Ninja Hot and Cold Brew System



The Ninja Hot and Cold Brew System offers a vast array of coffee and tea options, including smooth, naturally sweet cold brew in as little as 10 minutes and frothy chai lattes and cappuccinos.
  • Coffee and Tea Brew Settings: Brewing technology offers an array of coffee and tea options.
  • Cold Brew Coffee and Tea: Brew over ice at a lower temperature for smooth, naturally sweet flavor in 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Smart Basket Recognition: System recognizes basket and displays coffee or tea drink options.
  • Separate Coffee and Tea Baskets: Brew coffee or loose or bagged tea to keep flavors separate.
  • 6 Brew Sizes: Brew anything from a single cup or travel size to a half carafe or full carafe in your coffee maker.
  • 5 Brew Styles: Choose your strength with Classic, Rich, Over Ice, Cold Brew, or Specialty.